Agenda Item 31


Brighton and Hove City Council


Brighton & Hove City Council


Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee


4.00pm7 September 2021


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber




Present: Councillor Nield (Chair) Shanks, Fowler (Opposition Spokesperson), Mears (Group Spokesperson) and Appich









18          Procedural Business




18        Procedural Business


            Arrangements for This Meeting


            Before proceeding to the formal business of the meeting, the Chair, Councillor Nield, explained, that in line with current Government guidance this would be a hybrid meeting. The debate and decision making would rest with the Members of the Committee who were in attendance in the Chamber accompanied by key officers. Other presenting officers would be involved in the meeting via Microsoft Teams.


18(a)   Declaration of Substitutes


18.2    There were none.


18(c)   Exclusion of Press and Public

18.3    In accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”), the Health and Wellbeing Board considered whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item of business on the grounds that it is likely in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during it, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information as defined in Section 100A (3) of the Act.


18.4    RESOLVED - That the public be not excluded during consideration of any item of business set out on the agenda.




19          Minutes


19.1    RESOLVED – That the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 8 June 2021 as a correct record.




20          Minutes of Special Meeting, 27 July 2021


20.1    RESOLVED – That the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the special meeting held on 27 July 2021 as a correct record.




21          Chair's Communications


            Vaccination Arrangements


21.1    The Chair stated that people might wish to note that those working in care homes needed to receive both doses of the vaccine by 11 Nov and therefore needed to receive their first dose by 16 Sept. The walk-in vaccination centre had now moved to Churchill Square and walk in sessions are available for anyone over 16.


            World Prevention of Suicide Day


21.2    Friday, 10 September was World Suicide Prevention Day. This year’s theme of “Creating Hope Through Action” was intended to show that no matter how big or small, our actions could provide hope to those who were struggling. We could all be there for people who were experiencing a suicidal crisis or had lost a loved one to suicide. “Grassroots” offered great support and advice locally, for both those that needed help and for those who wanted to better understand how to help someone else.


21.3    RESOLVED – That the contents of the Chair’s Communications be received and noted.




22          Call-Over


22.1    All items appearing on the agenda were called for discussion.




23          Items Referred from Council


23.1    There were none.




24          Public Involvement


24(a)   Petitions


24.1    There were none.


24(b)   Written Questions


24.2    There were none.


24(c)   Deputations


24.3    There were none.




25          Member Involvement


25(a)   Petitions


25.1    There were none.


25(b)   Written Questions


25.2    There were none.


25(c)   Letters


25.3    There were none.


25(d)   Notices of Motion


25.4    There were none.




26          Public Health Community Nursing Contract


26.1    The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care asking for agreement to extend the current Public Health Community Nursing (PHCN) contract for up to a two year period from April 2022.


26.2    It was explained that the PHCN contract delivered the city’s health visiting and school nursing services. The report detailed the rationale for an extension of the current contract in order to provide continuity of service in the context of the pandemic and at a time of national change to the commissioning and delivery of health services, each of the. The various options were explained including the thought process which had led to the report recommendations.


26.3    Councillor Mears asked for confirmation regarding how this contract had carried forward since 2014, when and by what means it had been awarded/signed off. Councillor Mears stated that whilst she understood the reasoning given, did not feel able to support the report recommendations as she did not consider that she had been provided with sufficient information in relation to the chronology of the current contract or sufficient financial information on which to base her decision. In answer to further questions by Councillor Mears it was explained that a five-year extension had been awarded to the existing contract in 2017.


26.4    The Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care, Rob Persey, explained the existing extension had been awarded by the Health and Wellbeing Board, following the recent re-alignment of the Board’s responsibilities award of this contract now lay more appropriately with this Sub Committee. The recommended approach also linked into a wider approach anticipated post 2024 which sought to align a package of services in concert with other local providers, e.g., with East and West Sussex. The recommended approach was consistent with that anticipated in the White Paper currently progressing through Parliament which supported a partnership approach.


26.5    Councillor Shanks noted that approach recommended had been looked at and would be reviewed in the context of the new Bill referred to, clearly, the local trust had been providing well to date. She was mindful however that all service delivery was just beginning to emerge from Covid and that the level of funding envisaged was the same as that for delivery currently, querying whether that would be sufficient.


26.6    Councillor Appich welcomed the report and accompanying presentation and was pleased to note the emphasis on performance which would be beneficial in procuring contracts going forward. It was important to identify whether the procurement strategy was sufficiently robust in order to provide a benchmark against which performance could be measured. It would be helpful to receive an update in the context of Covid to a future Sub Committee meeting. The Executive Director, explained that a “refresh” of the existing strategy submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Board in 2019 was under preparation with a focus on measures to combat any increase in need during the winter months. This would go forward in detail to the Board, however he could provide a general update to the next scheduled meeting of the Sub Committee. Councillor Appich welcomed this suggestion considering that it was important for Members to be able to be aware of whether/where any slippage had occurred. The Chair, Councillor Nield concurred in that view.


22.7    A vote was taken and on a vote of 4 with 1 abstention the report recommendations were agreed as set out below.


26.8    RESOLVED – (1) That the Sub-committee agrees to extend the existing Public Health Community Nursing (PHCN) contract;


(2) That the Sub-committee agrees to extend the contract for one year, with the option of a further one-year extension;


(3) That the Sub-committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care to further extend the contract for a further one year subject to satisfactory performance.




27          Integrated Sexual Health Services Contract


27.1    The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care seeking agreement for the direct award of a new contract for Integrated Sexual Health Services to the current provider: University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust for one year with the option of a 1 year extension.


27.2    The report set out the rationale for the direct award of a new contract to provide continuity of service in the context of the national pandemic, in line with the national commissioning direction for health services, and to support some critical business interdependencies. The approach suggested was also in line with the collaborative approach supported by the White Paper.


27.3    Councillor Mears stated that it was her recollection that approval by the Procurement Advisory Board had not been unanimous, seeking clarification of the point at which the decision to extend existing arrangements had been taken. She considered that in view of the amount of money involved she would have preferred more detailed information to have been provided and did not feel that she had sufficient information to support the report recommendations.


27.4    The Chair, Councillor Nield, referred to the supplementary information circulated to Members at her request which detailed current performance and selected key performance indicators for Quarter 4, 2021/22.


27.5    Councillor Shanks stated that the current arrangements provided a good service and that she was therefore happy to support the report recommendations. In response to questions by Councillor Shanks regarding her understanding that the White Paper would remove the obligation for competitive tendering to take place under certain circumstances it was confirmed that it remained the intention for this to remain an option in relation to local delivery. Reference was made to anticipated changes in procurement law which could impact on future contracts and the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care agreed to provide a covering note providing an update on the current position to the next scheduled meeting of the Sub Committee.


27.6    The Head of Law, Elizabeth Culbert, confirmed that the report recommendations fell wholly within the Sub Committees’ terms of reference and responsibilities.


27.7    A vote was taken and on a vote of 4 with 1 abstention the report recommendations were agreed as set out below.


27.8    RESOLVED – (1) That the Sub-Committee agrees the direct award of a new contract for Integrated Sexual Health Services to the current provider for one year with the option of a further 1-year extension;


            (2) That the Sub-Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care to extend the above contract in accordance its terms subject to satisfactory performance




28          Discharge to Assess for People Experiencing Mental Ill Health


28.1    The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care advising that following approval at the Procurement Advisory Board on 26 July 2021 this paper was intended to provide an overview of the proposed Discharge to Assess for People with Mental Ill Heath procurement and sought approval to proceed with a joint Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) procurement process.


28.2    Councillor Mears stated that she was aware that contracts which involved Section 75 arrangements had on occasion been contentious in the past and sought confirmation that no Section 75 monies were still due to the council. Councillor Mears also sought clarification as to whether/what responsibilities lay with Housing. The Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care, Rob Persey, explained that responsibility for this provision lay with Adult Social Care, however there was very close liaison with the Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities Executive in order ensure that provision under the Care Act was fit for purpose. Existing documents were in the process of being refreshed and being re-written.


28.3    In answer to questions it was explained that a further update could be provided outside the Sub Committee meeting. Councillor Mears stated whilst she understood the merits of Pan-Sussex provision she just wanted to be sure that this council had a fair influence over this £64m programme. Whilst welcoming the information provided Councillor Mears stated that it would have been beneficial to receive this information in advance of the meeting. Whilst supporting the principle of what was being proposed she dis not feel that she had been provided with sufficient contextual information to enable her to support the report recommendations.


28.4    Councillor Shanks considered it disappointing that the council was unable to set its own rates for Housing Benefits. It was explained that discussions on this issue had taken place at national level a few years previously but had not progressed.


28.5    Councillor Appich considered it would be beneficial and timely if that debate could be revisited. In answer to further questions by Councillor Appich it was explained that the proposed arrangements would not progress further until the CCG had received confirmation regarding the level of funding. What was proposed would be fully supported by the CCG.


28.6    A vote was taken and on a vote of 4 with 1 abstention the report recommendations were agreed as set out below.


28.7    RESOLVED – (1) That the Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health & Adult Social Care (HASC) to take all necessary steps to;


(i)procure and award a co-commissioned contract for a discharge to assess service (D2A) for people experiencing mental ill health at a value of £374,681 per annum for five years where the Clinical Commissioning Group will contribute £281,003 per annum and Brighton & Hove City Council will contribute £93,678 per annum. The CCG have yet to confirm funding and procurement will only take place if the funding is confirmed;


(ii) to grant an extension to the contract referred to in 2.1.1 for a period or periods of up to two years in total if it is deemed appropriate and subject to available budget.




29          Items Referred for Council


29.1    There were none.





The meeting concluded at 4.51pm














Dated this

day of